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Internal Auditing

Group Internal Auditing

We believe that the role of internal auditing is extremely important if we are to “live up to customers’ expectations” and “implement transparent management” as set forth in the Resona Group’s Corporate Mission. Accordingly, we have established internal audit divisions at Resona Holdings and at main Group companies.

In order to ensure sound and appropriate operations and to gain social trust in the business management systems established by the Company and Group companies, the internal audit divisions serve the essential function of facilitating improvements in corporate value by verifying and evaluating the systems from an independent standpoint and promoting improvements as needed in all management activities.

The Company’s Internal Audit Division has introduced auditing methods in conformity with the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA),* a leading international association in the field of internal audits, thereby practicing risk-based audits and ensuring that its peers at Group companies follow suit. In addition, the division monitors the activities of internal audit divisions at such companies while striving to improve the quality of internal audits by, for example, providing various information and training and supporting employees seeking qualification as certified internal auditors and/or to acquire other audit-related certification.

In September 2021, Resona Holdings was chosen by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)–Japan to receive the 35th IIA Japan Chairman’s Award (Internal Audit Excellence Award).

The winning of this award reflects high ratings granted by the IIA Japan’s review committee regarding the Company’s enthusiastic initiatives to upgrade its internal audit system as part of efforts to strengthen corporate governance, backed by its keen awareness of the importance of internal audits as a component of essential governance functions. At the same time, this is a testament to IIA Japan’s growing expectations regarding the Company’s future initiatives in light of the current circumstances surrounding Japan’s business community in which corporations are being called upon to assign more significant roles to their internal audit functions in securing robust corporate governance.

  • *An organization that formulates professional standards for internal auditors, engages in the research of theories and practices associated with internal auditing and promotes other activities aimed at providing leadership for the global profession of internal auditing.


The Company and Group companies have established independent internal audit divisions and other bodies under each board of directors.

Moreover, we have formed the Internal Audit Council, separate from the Executive Committee, to serve the Company and Group companies by discussing important matters related to internal auditing.

The Internal Audit Division of the Company reports to the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee for its functions and to the representative executive officers for its administration. In addition, by ensuring a direct reporting line from the Audit Committee to the Internal Audit Division, we strengthen the monitoring and check and balance functions the Company exerts over the representative executive officers and representative directors of the Group companies.

Resona Holdings' Internal Auditing Systems

Group Internal Auditing Systems

Functions and Roles

To guide the drawing up of plans for internal auditing, the Internal Audit Division of the Company formulates the Annual Internal Audit Basic Plan for the Company and the Group, including the Group’s annual policies, the targets of auditing, and key items, and secures the approval of the Board of Directors after discussion with the Audit Committee.

The internal audit division of each Group company formulates its Annual Internal Audit Basic Plan based on the business management policies of the Internal Audit Division of the Company and secures the approval of each respective board of directors.

The internal audit divisions at the Company and Group companies conduct audits based on the Annual Internal Audit Basic Plan.

The results of the internal audits of the Company are reported to the Board of Directors and representative executive officers. The results of the internal audits of Group companies are reported to their respective boards of directors and representative directors as well as the Company.