CEO Message
Masahiro Minami
Group CEO, Director, President and
Representative Executive Officer
Group CEO, Minami, communicates (1) purpose-driven management, (2) the long-term vision of the Resona Group, and (3) initiatives aimed at enhancing corporate value, including ”expansion two business areas amid a deflation recovery environment,” “reform of management platforms and cost control,” “full utilization of capital,” and “efforts to become the most significant contributor to customer success in SX.”
Dialogue between Professor Nozaki and Group CSO Ishida

Professor, Faculty of Global and
Regional Studies, Toyo University
Group CSO, Director, Deputy President
and Executive Officer
Professor Nozaki from Toyo University and Group CSO, Ishida, had a discussion on the theme of “how the Resona Group should address the radically evolving environment.” They exchanged views on topics such as (1) “how we will improve corporate value by seizing opportunities arising from external changes,” (2) “what solutions we will deliver amid changes in customer value systems and behavior,” (3) “how we will utilize capital,” (4) “how we can practice the purpose more effectively,” and (5) “what direction we should take in executing human capital reforms.”

Group CFO, Ota, explains (1) the review of the financial results for the fiscal year ended March 2024 (FY2023), (2) the forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2025 (FY2024), (3) initiatives to improve corporate value, (4) the Impact of the yen interest rate hikes on profit, (5) capital management, (6) new plans to reduce policy-oriented stockholdings, and (7) the status of dialogue with shareholders and investors.

Group CSuO, Iwadate, explains (1) “the history of Resona’s SX” aiming to become the most significant contributor to customer success in SX, as well as (2) FY2023 results relative to “Long-Term Sustainability Indicators.”
Roundtable Discussion among Outside Directors

Chairperson of
Compensation Committee
(Left edge of photo)
Chairperson of
the Board of Directors
(Second from the left in the photo)
Chairperson of
Nominating Committee
(Second from the right in the photo)
Chairperson of Audit Committee
Member of Nominating Committee
(Right edge of photo)
The Chairperson of the Board and the three committee chairpersons for Nominating, Compensation, and Audit exchanged views on themes such as (1) “how to improve corporate value,” (2) “what are the roles of the Board of Directors and each committee of the Holdings,” and (3) “subjects that need to be discussed to realize the purpose.”
Split PDF Version
- Becoming the “Retail No. 1” Solution Group(PDF: 416KB)
- Driving Force of Value Creation -Resona’s Footsteps-(PDF: 485KB)
- Driving Force of Value Creation -Resona’s Strength and Group at a Glance-(PDF: 293KB)
- Value Creation Model(PDF: 167KB)
Value Creation Story
- CEO Message(PDF: 786KB)
- The Resona Group’s Purpose(PDF: 501KB)
- Dialogue between Professor Nozaki and Group CSO Ishida(PDF: 258KB)
- CFO Message(PDF: 739KB)
- Outline of Financial Results for FY2023(PDF: 116KB)
- Resona’s DX Strategy CDIO Message(PDF: 343KB)
- Resona’s DX Strategy CIO/CPRO Message(PDF: 450KB)
- Material Social Issues That Should Be Tackled by Resona(PDF: 1.40MB)
- Stakeholder Dialogue and Collaboration (Engagement)(PDF: 215KB)
Initiatives to Improve Corporate Value
- Toward the Creation of a Sustainable Society (Including CSuO Message)(PDF: 1.37MB)
- Overview of and Progress under the Medium-Term Management Plan (MMP)(PDF: 161KB)
- Strengthening of Value Creation Capabilities(PDF: 1.48MB)
- Development of Next-Generation Management Platforms (Including CHRO Message)(PDF: 1.63MB)
- Customer-Oriented Business Conduct(PDF: 51KB)
- Helping Raise Financial Literacy(PDF: 907KB)
- Mechanisms Supporting Value Creation (Including Roundtable Discussion among Outside Directors)(PDF: 927KB)
- Financial / Non-Financial Information and Corporate Data(PDF: 926KB)