Stakeholder Dialogue and Collaboration
We practice stakeholder engagement on three fronts: Relevant departments in place at each Group company directly engage with key stakeholder groups to address specific themes; Relevant departments in place at each Group company conduct intragroup engagement based on input gleaned via dialogue with stakeholders and ESG evaluation agencies; and Relevant departments in place at each Group company participate in and declare support for various initiatives. Taking advantage of a variety of methods, we are striving to maintain robust engagement so that we can accurately assess opinions, expectations and other inputs from diverse stakeholders and reflect such inputs in business management in order to enhance the qualitative and quantitative aspects of our corporate value.
Dialogue and Collaboration with Key Stakeholder Groups
The Resona Group has established the Resona Way (the Resona Group Corporate Promises), which translates its Corporate Mission into a basic stance toward each stakeholder group. With the aim of simultaneously achieving a sustainable society and sustainable growth(improvement in corporate value) for the Group, relevant departments at each Group company work to engage in constructive stakeholder dialogue in line with the Resona Way.
Resona Way (Resona Group Corporate Promises)
Customers Resona cherishes relationships with customers. |
We strive to deliver ever better services and solutions, including those designed to assist in the customer pursuit of SX, by drawing on feedback gleaned in the course of customer communications via multilateral channels, including bank counters, sales staff, call centers and our corporate website. |
Shareholders Resona cherishes relationships with shareholders. |
We work to achieve sustainable growth for the Group and medium to long term improvement in corporate value by maintaining in-depth and constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors via the General Meeting of Shareholders, shareholder seminars and other IR activities. |
Society Resona places importance on its ties with society. |
We endeavor to help realize a sustainable society by engaging in social contribution activities, providing financial and economic education and participating in government private collaboration aimed at vitalizing regional communities. |
Employees Resona highly regards employees’ dignity and personality. |
We work to develop and ensure an employee-friendly workplace environment via awareness surveys targeting the entire workforce and the direct exchange of opinions between management and employees, with the aim of becoming a model bank for future generations. |
Engagement with Customers
The Resona Group will actively encourage individual and SME customers to consider the importance of initiatives that address social problems. First, we will share information on social issues, including climate change, the impact of social and environmental issues on businesses, and the risk of exclusion from the supply chain to shed light on the importance of social issues and allow customers to grasp the vast contents. Next, we provide services that support each step of participation in addressing social issues, and discovery of the customer’s own challenges and resolution of potential issues. Through our efforts to maintain, expand and develop these initiatives, we believe we can reduce the potential risks for both the customers and the Resona Group, and grow our future business opportunities with our customers.
Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Basic Approach to IR Activities
The Resona Group has established the Basic Guidelines for Information Disclosure and Financial Reporting and Basic Policy for Promoting Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors. Under these frameworks, we actively engage in IR activities to enhance transparency in management and gain trust and fair evaluations from society, as well as to achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value over the medium- to long-term.
General Meeting of Shareholders and Shareholder Seminars
We regard general meetings of shareholders and shareholder seminars as important communication platforms to engage all shareholders.
Initiatives for Individual Investors
We take an active approach to IR activities for individual investors. In FY2021, we hosted several online corporate information sessions for individual investors (live streaming and on-demand digital access), featuring a presentation on the Resona Group’s management strategy given directly by the President and Officer in charge of Finance/Accounting and IR. We also stream our IR presentations on YouTube.
Going forward, we will continue to create opportunities for individual investors to better understand Resona Holdings across various media platforms.
IR for Institutional Investors and Analysts
We hold financial results briefings led by the President biannually for institutional investors and analysts in Japan. In FY2021, we held an interim financial results briefing in November 2021 and a full-year financial results briefing in May 2022 (by teleconference), which were attended by many market participants, including institutional investors and analysts. We host a teleconference on the day of each financial results announcement (quarterly), where we provide details on our financial results by the Officer in charge of Finance/Accounting and IR. In addition, we conduct individual and group meetings as needed as well as provide information sessions on individual business strategy.
IR for Overseas Investors
We actively hold individual meetings with overseas investors (utilizing online meeting systems and other means) as well as participate in conferences held by securities companies in Japan targeting overseas investors (online meetings), where we provide overviews, financial results, and management strategy of the Resona Group led by the President and Officer in charge of Finance/Accounting and IR. Also, we provide on-demand company briefings for domestic institutional investors in English following the full-year and interim financial results.
We strive to enhance understanding of the Resona Group through publications such as Disclosure magazine (Integrated Report/published annually, data edition/published twice a year), which include business and financial reports, as well as the Resona Group’s strength and initiatives for continuous value creation.
Engagement with Society
Dialogue with Investee Companies
The Resona Group has stipulated in its Basic Policy on Responsible Investment that it will fully grasp and analyze responses to environmental, social and corporate governance issues, and promote corporate value enhancement and sustainable growth from a medium- to long-term perspective, through which it will strive to increase the value of trust assets at Resona Bank and Resona Asset Management. The Group publishes a stewardship report that summarizes the details of specific dialogues and engagement to promote a better understanding towards our philosophy and progress on stewardship.
Engagement with the Community
Re:Heart Club, a volunteer group formed by Resona Group employees, conducts social contribution activities to give back to local communities. The Club participates in events and activities relevant to the themes and issues of each community, helping to revitalize communities, promote sports and culture, and encourage interaction with the local residents.
Engagement with Employees
Employee Survey
At the Resona Group, we conduct an employee awareness survey each year targeting all employees. This allows us to accurately assess the expectations, satisfaction and stress of our employees towards the company, workplace and their job. The survey results are used to develop a workplace environment that is more employee-friendly.
In addition, feedback received from employees is shared directly with the Resona Holdings Audit Committee, comprised of outside directors and others, for audits on how these comments are reflected in the company’s policy measures.
Town Hall Meetings with the Management
Since 2003, we have been conducting Town Hall Meetings where frontline employees meet directly with top management to exchanging ideas. These meetings ensure management and frontline staff are moving toward the same goals, foster employee awareness through the opportunity of direct interaction and serve to create a new image of a bank. This also encourages an open corporate culture that values the individuality of employees.
Intragroup Engagement and Collaboration
Based on input gleaned via engagement with stakeholders and ESG evaluation agencies, Sustainability Promotion Offices and other relevant departments at Group companies engage in dialogue themed on ESG issues in an effort to push ahead further with their initiatives and enhance the content of information disclosure. The status of progress and improvement in these initiatives is reported to the Group Sustainability Promotion Committee, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
Participation in Initiatives
In light of requests from international society and our role as a financial institution, we promote across-the-board efforts to realize a sustainable society and, to this end, participate in and declare our support of various initiatives at home and abroad.