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Environmental Policy

Positioning of this Policy

The Resona Group recognizes that environmental issues, including climate change and nature loss, are now global concerns.

The Resona Group considers that protecting the global environment and contributing to realizing a sustainable society through our business activities, as well as enhancing social and corporate value, are our top management issues. To articulate our commitment and approach in supporting our customers and local communities to address the issues, we have established the Resona Group Environmental Policy (hereinafter, the "Policy"). The Policy has been approved by the Board of Directors.

Scope of Application

The Policy applies to all officers and employees. Moreover, the Resona Group recognizes the need to accelerate our efforts for better environment and share our approach with customers, suppliers (e.g. vendors, contractors) and all other stakeholders. We expect all our stakeholders to support this Policy and act with similar mindset on the issues.

Resona Group Environmental Policy

1. Environmental Commitment

The Resona Group complies with all applicable laws and regulations related to environmental conservation and supports the international norms, principles, and initiatives described in the Appendix.

The Resona Group shall actively support our customers to combat social and environmental issues through our core businesses, such as the development and provision of financial products and services, to contribute to achieving a sustainable society.

Climate Change

The Resona Group recognizes climate-related risks as one of the top risks that could have significant impacts on our business. In addition to making a transition to net zero in our own operations, we create a flow of funds consistent with the Paris Agreement through the following initiatives and promote the transition to a decarbonized society.

  • We strive to appropriately manage and mitigate climate-related risks and promote initiatives to increase opportunities.
  • We deepen dialogue with our customers to support their medium- to long-term response to climate change and transition to a decarbonized society.
  • We develop and provide a variety of solutions for our customers to respond to their climate-related challenges, including supporting their sustainable finance.
  • We recognize that our business activities and the financial products and services we provide may cause negative impacts on climate. We will respond appropriately in case of such occasions.


In order to realize a society in harmony with nature, we strive to avoid and reduce the impact on biodiversity and conserve nature while recognizing dependencies and impacts on biodiversity in our business activities. We also support our customers' biodiversity initiatives through the provision of financial services.

To continuously reduce its environmental impacts, the Resona Group shall seek to save resources and energy, recycle resources, and promote green procurement.

2. Engagement with Stakeholders

The Resona Group shall deepen mutual understanding by engaging in dialogue with relevant stakeholders andĀ make continuous efforts to advanceĀ our environmental initiatives.

3. Dissemination of the Policy and Education

The Resona Group ensures this Policy is well understood and upheld by all officers and employees. As a part of our efforts to address various environmental issues, the Group shall provide trainings to all officers and employees to encourage informed actions based on an appropriate understanding and awareness of the environmental issues.

4. Disclosure

The Resona Group shall disclose information on the environmental initiatives and progress toward its targets via media such as corporate website to promote stakeholder understanding.

5. Governance Structure

The Resona Group shall set metrics and targets on its environmental initiatives, periodically review the progress, revise them if necessary, and make efforts for continuous improvement.

At the Resona Group, the progress of the environmental initiatives is regularly reported to and managed by the Group Sustainability Promotion Committee. It is then examined by the Executive Committee, before being reported to the Board of Directors, for robust oversight.

6. Periodic Review of the Policy

Given the increasing significance of the environmental issues, the Resona Group acknowledges that our responsibility, as a financial institution, must correspondingly expand. The Resona Group shall review our Policy on regular basis and revise it as necessary.


  • Paris Agreement
  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures / TCFD
  • Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures / TNFD
  • Principles for Responsible Investment / PRI
  • Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century
  • CDP